- Strip Away Negativity & Fluff
- Get To The Root Of Problems In Minutes–Drive Deeply Into Any Communication Quickly
- De-Hypnotize People From Crappy Trances
- A Complete System For Mental House-Cleaning
About this course
Introduction to the Meta Model video
Core Concepts Video
Mental Maps Video
Distortion, Generalization, and Deletion
Generalizations About The Meta Model Video
Strategy: Part I Video
Strategy Part II Video
The first Distortion Pattern explained and demonstrated on video.
The Lost Performation pattern explained and demonstrated.
The Cause and Effect language pattern explained and demonstrated.
Complex Equivalence language pattern explained and demonstrated.
Presupposition language pattern explained and demonstrated.
Generalizations language patterns, Universal Quantifiers explained and demonstrated.
Modal Operators as used in the Generalizations language patterns, demonstrated and explained.
Nominalizations as used in the Deletion language pattern, demonstrated and explained.
Unspecified Verbs as used in the Deletion language pattern, demonstrated and explained.
Lack of Referential Index as used in the Deletion language pattern, demonstrated and explained.
Comparative Deletions as used in the Deletion language pattern, demonstrated and explained.
How the Meta Model can be used for self help.
Hypnotic Realities explained.
Wrapping up the Meta Model video course.
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